Social Media Plans
Just $25 a month
Due to the complex nature and time involved creating private queues for a client, there is a one-time set-up fee of $60
Budget Plan Includes:
- Two automated daily posts
- Up to two (2) RSS feeds to post new content, which would be in addition to daily posts. This can be from client’s personal blog or other blog they would like to add.
- Posts made to one (1) profile* (Facebook page or group)
- Posting times vary each day of the week.
- If client has insight information as to best times to post based on platform insights, we are happy to use that info and schedule posts accordingly at time of setup.
- Minor schedule adjustments after setup are not billed. However extensive changes requested will result in billable time.
Add Backlist rotation for JUST the setup fee. Each back list title post will be used in place of or in addition to a normal automated post. This is client’s choice.
For optimum results, clients should spend 10-15 minutes daily responding to post comments to further increase engagement.
Clients on hourly plans who wish to use the social media services are placed on the Standard SM Plan at a reduced rate.
*Profiles are defined by where posts are posted. Example: a Facebook page is one profile. A group post is a second profile.

Our automated posts use G-rated content designed to increase engagement. We have a limited number Hot Dudes and PG-rated posts available for clients needing a few steamier posts.
We have clients using the service who are happy to share their experience in a confidential email exchange. Click here to request contact information for references.